Here is the newly set up nature study table/art picture study and focal book area. I have wanted to do this for a long time and was able to get that accomplished today. The other side of the room-well not so much but will finish that this week. (UPDATE: this has since been removed and our geography center now takes up this area)
I literally just did a treasure hunt about the house to find doo-dads and some display things to pull this together. Robbed a few of my decorations in the kitchen and such and then added the Safari Ltd. toob birds (backyard and a couple from the exotic b/cuz we have hummingbirds and owls around us)...added the labels so he can start remembering them. Will have my pop scour his yard for various bird feathers (he has like a sanctuary or something in his back yard-the birds and critters know where to go for food) and those will go in a flatter basket (need to purchase) so he can check those out when we are covering birds in science (which will be right off the bat). I can add/delete as necessary and change the items per season.
The workboxes used to be under the rain gutter book holders,
now it displays our current studies
and future study items
(cannot wait to start the Laura Ingalls stuff!!!!)
A necessity is the Mrs. Sharp's Family Traditions book!
[Left hand corner of table] LOVE IT!
And I taped up the picture study cards I had
from when we first covered Audubon. We'll
cover him again this year but will spend more time on
his animal drawings for that.
This little wood armoire is my dd's. She used it when she
played with her American Girl Dolls-LOL
Was just sitting in storage so had to use it.
My goal is to get a nice apothecary cabinet or
discover chest cabinet to keep all the little fun nature things
in. Maybe next year's budget will allow for it but for now-
just using what we have around here.