
Continent Boxes

Using Continent Boxes with your geography study is a great way to add hands-on activities to help your student learn about the various countries/continents. Depending on your child(ren)'s ages-you can add all sorts of goodies.  Look through out your home for little things you may have purchased or received as gifts.  Shop local multi-cultural stores, and of course-Ebay, Amazon and various other online stores for more items to add.  The Safari toobs are great for the animals and the iconic buildings/structures too.  Store in a box and label appropriately.  Go through Pinterest for ideas on what to put in your boxes.

Continent Boxes
The items in each box are Montessori color coded
to match map work, and various other activities.

I now have all boxes shown in video form on my YouTube channel,
check out the playlist here:
YT videos


Africa Post


Antarctica Box Post


Asia Box Post


Australia post


Europe Post

North America

North America Post

South America

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