
Friday, April 8, 2016

Up and coming posts and videos on the DYI Homeschool Planner series

Just a quick note on what I am planning on posting, but haven't yet.  I simply have been side lined by a variety of things that have prevented me from finishing the editing and getting the pics taken/uploaded.  So hopefully, I will get some time to get these posted.  I am still in the ordering process for the curriculum and goodies I need for next year, so once I have those-I will get that post completed.

What's coming down the pike:

1. Monet Art Study:  books and craft projects.
2. S. America Continent box.
3. Books for tweens/teens (I will add a few for younger kids in it too) about S. America.
4. DIY Homeschool Planner: variety of pages to go inside and where I found them (also have to shoot a video on that)
5. 2016-17 curriculum choices.
6. Some neat discounted goodies I have found lately-all school related.
7. Future YouTube vids planned.  This includes a workbox series.
8. Route 66 Bible program review.  Still working on this so not quite ready to give a fair opinion on it.

Right now that is all I can remember.  We start baseball next week, so it may take a wee bit of time to get these done.  The S. A. posts will probably be first.  The boy needs to complete his last Monet project before I can post that one.  So look for those soon-ish.  :)

I have 3 vids up now on the pages I have picked so far (for the DYI planner)

Paper Choice:

 Goals/Lists/Overviews and Class Descriptions/Grades:

 Weekly Planning:

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