As we are moving through the Beautiful Feet Books Westward Expansion guide, we have come to an exciting point-the Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery expedition. I have been waiting for this part for some time. I want to really ingrain the significance and well-coolness of this part of our history, so I am slowing way down to bring in several more resources, a DVD, arts and crafts and a great Lewis and Clark game to bring it all together. I reserved what I could not find at our library (use that feature peeps-great way to save money on books you'll only use once or twice) and pulled what I had on our shelves. The required text,
Of Courage Undaunted: Across the Continent with Lewis and Clark by James Daugherty is serving as the backbone of the study but is not pictured because I didn't have it from the library when I posted.
I own some of these (What's the Deal, the top two Lewis and Clark
activity books and the coloring book in the center pile )
the others are from the library
So while we wait to get that book, we will read thru many of the excellent books I did get. I will use some of the art/crafts books to cherry pick a few activities to add a bit more excitement to this study as well. We will also be notebooking pages as we move thru the lessons (working on those right now, but so far I do have the Louisiana Purchase map from
Homeschool in the Woods Olde World Style World and US maps printed, which he colored in while listening to me read one of the books. He also has T. Jefferson, Lewis, Clark and Sacajawea pics to cut out and place on his pages to write down their data for his history notebook too.
Because we have already covered Audubon, we won't be studying him as denoted in the study. We will, however, be covering George Catlin who did paint various Native American tribes/chiefs and village life a few years after L and C had explored the vast territory. I found some real gems in regard to the colored prints of his work. I will have the boy go thru and find about 6 different ones he wants to do for his picture study, then get them printed and mounted on card stock for ease of reference. As a part of the Charlotte Mason way of studying artists, we'll put together an artist info page on George too.
image from
Wow-the price of this has gone up-I did not pay that amt.
Do some research and look for a better deal.
And because I find games to be a great way to bring interest into a study-we'll be playing the Lewis and Clark game I purchased at the beginning of the year. Once we have wrapped up the study, I will post a new ditty on the links/resources we used.
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