
Monday, August 13, 2012

Not Back to School Blog Hop - Week 2 - School Room area

Week 2: The Education room
First I need to point out something-I have been (officially) homeschooling about 18 years now and well-you have to understand-this is a process [getting a room like this] and in no way, shape or form did we always have an area solely dedicated to our schooling stuff.  We usually (depending on where we lived) just had totes with books crammed in them, stuffed where ever I could tuck them and a few little book shelves with the current material on them.  We worked at the dining room table, the couch, the floor, their bedrooms (usually on their beds), out on the deck or even up in the play structure's loft area (oh how I miss that thing as we moved and gave it away).  It is not about where you homeschool, it is about homeschooling period. Keep that in mind as you go thru all the wonderful posts and pictures from other homeschooling fams. Everyone has different budgets, and space to dedicate to this stuff.  Remember that whatever works for you and your family is all that matters.  

Not Back to School Blog Hop

As for us this year-we are down to one student. So I have not made too many changes since last year-say for rearranging a desk and putting the workboxes closer together.  I have to get the rain gutter book shelves up (still have to get the supplies) to go over where the workboxes area and then I am calling it quits.

And yes-I cleaned the room prior to taking pictures
-it never looks this tidy-ever 
(outside of this photo shoot).  

 View looking directly in (this is the 'library/office' area of the house)-you see right upon entering so I try my best to keep it cleanish and all-but honestly, we are busy learning and that can get messy...
I have the desk that backs up to the white board. I also have two totes loaded with the main books/supplies I will need (to carry out his education this semester) sitting on the window area by my desk for easy access.  Obviously, a lot of it will go into the workboxes but I need a 'home' for those so I can keep track of them. The other desk will be a 'carry over' spot and right now I have the (SL) laminated map there for him to write on as we go thru our world geography.

Finally got the rain gutter shelves up. This is one 10' piece cut into 2. I only put 2 holders per length [not cheap] and have it so they are in somewhat from the edges-so I will only put lighter books on the ends to keep from stressing the shelves out.  The kids keep laughing at me about these [which is their humor and I am not taking it personally and neither are the shelves]. They say if we ever need a spare gutter they know where to go, or if it starts to rain in the house they can grab these to help...but honestly, I don't think they look goofy or cheesy and they hold a lot of books, so I am quite pleased with the results.

And that is our school room area.  We still migrate to the kitchen for science and art projects and the couch serves our main area for the much of the history and bible lessons-so we do some work here and move around during the day.


  1. Awesome! What a great room.
    Blesings, Dawn

  2. Nice! I like your color scheme. I agree, getting a schoolroom set up is a process. I didn't get one until two years ago and over 10 years of homeschooling. It is a wonderful thing to have though.

  3. I love this space! I remember when you were working on it last year. It looks so comfy and efficient at the same time. I am happy for you!

  4. I love how organized your room is! Wow, 18 years homeschooling is a great achievement. We just moved into a new home and our homeschool room is also the very first thing you see when you walk into the home. I am not doing very well at keeping the schoolish look to a minimum, but I do make myself and the kids clean it up at the end of every day. Of course, we're only 6 days into this school year so that will most likely change as things get busier. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed the look!

  5. I remember you working on this room last year. Love the colors. We don't have a separate schoolroom, we just use the whole house, sometimes the church fellowship hall or even the parking lot LOL

    We are beginning year 11. Since the youngest is currently only in 1st grade...guess we have a ways to go :)

  6. Love the comments about raining in the house.. :) I love those too. Not sure if I have the room for them though.. bummer! Your room looks awesome and you said you weren't ready??? hmmm..... :)lookin' good my friend!!

  7. Your room looks great! Love the shelves and the fun wall color. How are you doing friend? (((Sheri)))

    Hugs to you!

  8. Your room looks great! Love the shelves and the fun wall color. How are you doing friend? (((Sheri)))

    Hugs to you!


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