Eric spoke about how we, as Christians, [usually] will pitch our tent just past the line of demarcation [barely past the desert line] over on the Promised Land side-to then simply set up camp, and call it quits He stressed we should not quit, or settle just past that Promise Land entry. Due to the expanse being so great, we shortchange ourselves by being content with stopping there. Keep moving inside of it, toward the other side to see what God brings. Great concept actually. This would make for a great convo with your teens for sure.
He also pointed out that we should never measure ourselves with everyone around us (worldly view on things) but rather compare and measure ourselves to Christ (to go deeper into our faith and walk with him).
Now I must say, if you have never heard Eric speak-well, he has the gift of preachering (new word there) like those old timers who would set up a tent and fire up the town with their message. He is the "Love Brother Love Traveling Show" [Neil Diamond song there, in case you are wondering] kinda preacher! Seriously! He has that kind of anointing on him and it suits his personality well. He definitely is passionate about what he lectures on and teaches, and it is a nice, refreshing change. Then his lovely wife, Leslie is much more subdued and gentle. It is nice to hear them both speak during the session so you can get a change up in presentation, as well as a male and female point of view.
Point 1: Give God your pen. IF you try to write your love story-it will come out a mess and can lead to well-nothing good. (my words not hers) [Eric popped back into the chat with this ditty]...When God comes knocking we only let him in the front hall and a few rooms. We need to allow him in all of our rooms, even the locked ones-so that He can lead our lives-not the other way around. He noted that most of us cannot trust God because we cannot see His heart but by doing so-He can get into all the areas of our heart to make them ready.
Point 2: Build your life around Jesus Christ. I think that goes without saying.
Point 3: Live in an Act of Faithfulness. Be single in your mindset-that yes you are taken but not with a dude or chick-but with Christ himself. Live as you should-with a pure heart and mind. Not to be a "somebody" or attract attention of the opposite sex. I will save my opinion and preachering on this for another post someday (I am totally agreeing with them on this, in case you are wondering-and have brought our kiddos up to follow this point).
Point 4: Draft a Winning Team. Use your mom and dad to help you along in your story. Have a good relationship with them. See their assistance not as a pain but rather as a blessing-esp. since mom and dad may have some inside info/feelings that you the prospective bride/groom doesn't. You know you are in a Godly story when your relationship pulls you closer to God/Jesus Christ instead of farther away. Use your mentors and such too-but (I don't recall if they said this exactly but it is a good way to live) always check your spirit (not your heart b/cuz it can be deceived) against the Word. This is one that you will have to work on (mom and dad) to help build that bridge of trust and respect. Being overly involved to the other spectrum of taking a vacation to the moon, in regard to your child's life/love story, will not work-find the middle ground. Pray for clarity and wisdom.
Also-they touched on the fact that -we (mom and dad) need to be praying not only for our children, but our children's future spouses! How awesome is that!? God is so amazing and wants nothing but the very best for our kiddos-including our children's spouses! :)
Ludy Books we use/have read and recommend:
When God Writes Your Love Story
When Dreams Come True
When God Writes Your Life Story
When Dreams Come True
Authentic Beauty
Set Apart Femininity
God's Gift to Women
Teaching True Love to a Sex at 13 Generation (this one is for the folks more than teens)
Bravehearted Gospel (new-still reading)
Wrestling Prayer (new-still reading)
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