
Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Outdoor Hour Challenge -Queen's Anne Lace

Today was a beautiful day-picture perfect. I couldn't resist the call to nature-so I printed off the notebook page on the Queen Anne's Lace study, grabbed Anna Comstock's Handbook of Nature Study, the kids' nature supply totes and well-the kids.  We went to up the to the "hill prairie" (another section of our sub that has not been developed)...and found quite a abundance of the precious are some pics.....

We chose to use on pencils in our sketches this time.  Since this is a year long study, we have plenty of opportunities to use several other mediums...which will be fun to compare.  Unfortunately, it doesn't photograph well-I tried to darken them a bit so you could see.  

The boy's (he dictated and I wrote what he observed)

The teen's (she decided she would do more observation than drawing 
because once she starts-she gets very this is her quick sketch)

I did a bit of both.  The object here is not to sketch a perfect looking likeness, but to 
learn to observe, and take in the amazing handiwork of our Lord.  

You can find out all about this great The Outdoor Hour study on Barb's Handbook of Nature Study blog-which is an awesome place to visit!  


  1. That sounds lovely!

    I have so wanted to begin implementing nature study and have bought several resources, but getting the kids to be calm and interested seems like a daunting task!

    By the way, I just received Sue Patrick's workbox system in the mail thanks to your inspiring other blog! I can't wait to begin implementing it into our school.

    I am trying to keep it simple to start off with but I have all these creative ideas floating through my mind!Lol

    What to do, what to do! Lol

  2. Wonderful autumn study of your Queen Anne's Lace! I like to think of my nature journal both as a scientific record and a place to be artistic, but not necessarily at the same time. I love the way each of your children was able to complete their journals in a way that made sense to them.

    I look forward to your a next season. :) Thanks for sharing your link.


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