
Lapbooks G-P

See the Create a Lapbook tab for more help and links for making one. Some links may under my Amazon Associates, which I would earn a small commission from if you purchase thru that link.


Hot Diggety Dog-Elementary

It was fun to learn about the hot dog's origin and all those wonderful good things you never even thought of in regard to a them.

The lapbook is designed to open top to bottom-I didn't use the suggested layout.  I then did the glue spray adhesive deal to the black construction paper, and stuck em down to the backs of the file folders. I remembered to packing tape the extra (cut down a tad) folder to the main one first (which I usually think of afterward). I just built a hot dog out of my scraps of card stock, then used my Quickutz (Snowman) letters to make the title. I did cover this puppy with packing tape because I didn't want pieces falling off (and most likely, they would have). That is not something I do with every lapbook, but this one screamed to be taped up on the cover.



 You can purchase the Hot Diggety Dog Lapbook  via the Hands of a Child website.


[The] Legend of the Candy Cane-Elementary

The Legend of the Candy Cane lapbook info is from Homeschool Share.

Based on the book:  The Legend of the Candy Cane by 
Pat Matuszak, Lori Walburg 


The middle section is a 3/4 page-and on the back side is the process for the
making of candy canes, I downloaded off a candy company site (I believe the link is
within the HSS info for the lapbook)...

[The] Legend of the Easter Egg-Elementary

Based on the book, The Legend of the Easter Egg 
by Lori Walburg.
We used the lapbook at  

(need to find the photos-coming soon)

         We also did a few crafts and activities to tie into the study.  Here are some fun examples:

[noted under the science section of the HSShare page]
This was one weird experiment but fun, and
 we learned some things we never knew!
Art Project
I also added in my own craft creation-making our own Faberge eggs
...using the bigger plastic ones, little jewels and glue. 

The boy decided to make a King Faberge Egg

 Resurrection Rolls
[found under Recipes on the page]



Neil Armstrong-Elementary

I have a couple posts on my What's in the Box? blog about our study, in case you are interested.

Neil Armstrong: Young Flyer (Childhood of Famous Americans)
Neil Armstrong: Young Flyer (Childhood of Famous Americans)

Post II

Not all of the pages are shown...but it gives you an idea.  We used the lapbook components from Homeschool Share and the spiral book is from Pear Educational Products. I used some stamps that I have about the home to decorate the pages.


 I created the Neil bio page (sadly this was missing from the unit) 
to give an overview to start the lapbook.

These shots (on the right) are from except for the NASA tire and the one where my son is standing before the actual module at the Nat'l Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. We visited there a few years back and we were thrilled to see we had a picture of him in front of the very thing Neil was in!.

This shows the pocket (on left, back side of it) that is included in the book)
 it holds (both sides do) the copywork he did through out the study.  
The right page is the final one for the book.  

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