This page has the posts for lapbooks with titles/subjects from A-F but does NOT include the FIAR (Five in a Row) ones since I have a separate page for those. I have the suggested age/grade level next to the title in RED for easier identification of those projects that would best suit your needs.
See the Creating a Lapbook Tab for more links and helps.
Advanced Astronomy -High School
I am using the Pear Educational Products Blank Project Book (with a pocket) for this. Update: Not sure you can still purchase from them..check to see. Like the lapbooks, this takes stamping very nicely. I simply did a speckle background in very light yellow and stars in a darker one. The lapbook components you see are from Hands of a Child Advanced Astronomy Lapbook Guide. I chose to not do all of the projects, but did add in some odds and ends I found while searching the internet for other astronomy related mini-books. I also created a couple factoid booklets on a few of the early astronomers too.
HOAC mini-booklets
Homeschool Share booklets and the Ptolemy one I made myself
(there are 2 more not shown)
HOAC booklets/clip art
Considering God's Creation worksheets
Page is not yet stamped or labeled. Not to this point in the project book yet.
These worksheets are for elementary-Jr high
but can be used for HS too...and we did.
but can be used for HS too...and we did.
I like the additional info she had to locate and the visuals it offers.
Once again-don't let age labels stop you from using stuff
that offers more insight than what the main study offers.
Once again-don't let age labels stop you from using stuff
that offers more insight than what the main study offers.
Sometimes the easier work offers more insight
and is remembered more than the "age level" material.
and is remembered more than the "age level" material.
Pear Educational Products: Blank Project Book with Pocket Page
Hands of a Child (HOAC): Advanced Astronomy Project Pack w/CD
Homeschool Share: Astronomer Notebook Pages
(I printed with 2 per or 4 per page to make them smaller)
Considering God's Creation:
Notebooking pages on the Solar System
Considering God's Creation Set 2006 (Considering God's Creation)
(we used these sections to have further info on the planets, as the
HOAC one didn't have all this info on it. Served as a bonus info project)
Astronomy for All Ages by Philip Harrington and Edward Pascuzzi
(we'll be working through the sections not previously covered by the HOAC study)
Astronomy for All Ages, 2nd: Discovering the Universe through Activities for Children and Adults
Astronomy for All Ages, 2nd: Discovering the Universe through Activities for Children and Adults
Supplemental Ideas:
Star of Bethlehem Bible Study by Kerry Beck with the
Star of Bethlehem DVD by Rick Larson
The Star of Bethlehem via Amazon
Signs and Seasons:
Understanding the Elements of Classical Astronomy
by Jay Ryan
Understanding the Elements of Classical Astronomy
by Jay Ryan
This is a much more thorough study that you could use in place
of many of the listed sources
Signs and Seasons: Understanding the Elements of Classical Astronomy
The Astronomy Book by Dr. Jonathan Henry (first edition) still available
Second Edition (cover shown above from Master Books)
Second Edition (cover shown above from Master Books)
I also pulled various astronomy books from the library to add in for interest
The baseball lapbook is built on one of the Pear Educational Extended Bases. I was able to create some booklets about the Detroit Tigers (our favorite team) to add since I really didn't have that many mini-booklets for the regular lapbook. We learned more about baseball than what the lapbook holds [and that is OK-you do not need to lapbook every thing about the subject], esp. during this season when the Tigers were making it to the playoffs. I also helped write out a lot b/cuz my son gets overwhelmed with too much writing-and that is OK...he simply dictates to me (CM style) and we don't fuss over who it is that is writing it. As he gets older, he'll take on more of that himself (he is also dyslexic, so it is a struggle to get him to do a lot of it)-so don't feel your student has to do all the work themselves-half the fun is working together on it.
I grabbed some Stampin'Up! stamps I have, used the basic color inks and added in dark blue and orange stars in honor of the Tiger's colors-obviously you can design it to fit your favorite team's colors.
To create it:
I grabbed some Stampin'Up! stamps I have, used the basic color inks and added in dark blue and orange stars in honor of the Tiger's colors-obviously you can design it to fit your favorite team's colors.
Cover with the Pear Educational Adhesive strip
there to place it in our 3 Ring Binder
The first fold-out view from opening the cover
Opening up the flap with the copywork on it-you find this
Lifting up the Detroit Tiger's flap-this is the middle open section.
Above the diamond section is where the D.T. info is.
Underside of the Tigers flap
I created the flap book to hold several famous Tiger players and a pic of Sparky Anderson.
The History denotes when they began, how many World Series they have played, how many Pennants they have won and how many Central Division Titles too. Also notes their team colors.
You can easily create this for your favorite team.
Wikipedia should have their away/home game uniforms to copy too.
Helpful Hint:
I almost always back my booklets in a darker, matching color of construction paper. It simply makes everything easier to find/stand out on the lapbook. I cannot stress this enough-by taking the time to do this simple application [of layering]-the lapbook will come out so much nicer. The child (and you) works so hard to create this, why not display it in a professional manner?
Coloring Pages on Baseball
(there are others, I just Googled free coloring sheets and went thru the sites)
(they also have a National League page)
Instructions for making the envelope lapbook found here.
I still have to check the Scribd pages to see if they are available-check back soon if they are not.
Title Page:
I printed one of the pictures from the CD, under the PDF coloring book section which was included in the study package, for the cover. I typed up the "Chopin" on MS Word using the calligraphy font-which for whatever reason came out looking like Ariel on the document on if you want the classical look-you will have to type it up on your MS Word. We glued it to a blue construction paper background and then glued it onto the cover section.
First Section (double page layout):
I forgot to show a pic of the info under the "Frederic's Music" flip book-but it is on the Title/Info download.
I found a pic of Chopin using Google images, for the top info section on Chopin, typed up the name/DOB/DOD on him and for the lower right-hand section, I typed up a ditty about Chopin. As we get into the Later Years book-I can add more info if need be (to the top section of the flap).
Info available on my Scribd pages What's in the Box?
The 2 maps are from Enchanted learning, but I found some free ones from ABCteach, which are listed below under the resources section. With older students, one could certainly have this be a flip up booklet, where the student would then write some info about Poland underneath the map (just fold a piece of a construction paper to size in half, glue down the backside to the book page, then include any info you want on Poland on the inside. I saw lots of stuff that could go there, such as the flag, the info on the people, industries, etc. I chose to forgo this because of my son's age and the time crunch.
Second Section (double page layout with the pockets at either end):
On the left side, we chose to center more of the piano picture he colored (ABCteach) [I make these things up as I go-in hindsight-I would have scooted the piano over even more to accommodate the big piano key flip book (or shrunk the size of the keys) to make it look better], then cut out the name "piano" from the sheet too. The Piano Keys flip up book (again-just fold a sheet of construction paper in half, which fits the size of the keys image, to make this). Inside this booklet we included some basic info on pianos. How many keys (52 wht./ 36 blk.), type of instrument (keyboard)and the info on Cristofori. One could certainly do a larger study about the piano if need be, for older students-and add that info there too.
I also downloaded some sheet music worksheets, and had my son copy some lines from one of Chopin's music. And because Frederic loved to make create his own newspapers as a child, I had the boy do a front page edition of his own (both of these activities are stored in the left pocket). I had him write the titles on some and then I took down his dictation for the story section. This is a great CM way to do this project.
The other side has a 2 division pocket. The first one contains some coloring pictures from the Early Years, I downloaded from the CD that came with the study; and the section behind it contains the Later Years coloring pages.
We're still in the midst of the study, so the coloring has not been done yet-but it shows you how you can stuff this side with the pictures. You can also put the Early and Later Year labels on the inside division sections if you would like.
the little glue down flap is under the purple piece at the top-
The Chopin's Music pieces pull-up booklet, is on Scribd too. The part you glue down-well I make this stuff as I go, and realized it was backwards-so to make it look proper-see the pictures concerning it-but you will need to cover the section with a wee bit of construction paper to make it work. Or just cut off the tab and slip the stuff into a pocket fold (from construction paper) with the title cut off and glued on the top of the pocket. Then stuff the 3 pieces into it. I also glued the clip art of the music score on top of the paper to jazz it up. I actually was going to use that in the other corner-so now I am not sure what I will put there-maybe just another copy of the music score...well, whatever-you get the idea of what you can do.
And that is our Envelope Book on Chopin. As he gets into higher grades, I will have him revisit Mr. Chopin in greater detail. But for his age-this is a perfect fit. And I did type up most of the info, per his request. I don't sweat it over whether or not the child does all the writing...he had enough with the coloring and the music copywork, and the newspaper edition he worked on.
Sources for pictures:
The Piano picture is for members only on ABCteach-so I cannot link it...but there should be something out there in freebie land for you to download.
ABCteach's Piano Key Image (I used this one) I suggest making it smaller (if possible) cuz it is pretty big
I actually downloaded Enchanted Learning's maps for our project. I am a member, so I have access to these images. If you too are a member, just search for map of Poland, or Poland. Map of Europe.
Music Sheet printout (I don't see this being for members only-give it a try)
Douggie the Sled Dog Hero -Elementary
Basic Assembly: For the cover-I used my handy dandy Quickutz sets to make the title and drew the pic of Douggie the dog. This one opens horizontally, not vertically.
When opened, there is a flip section (the green part) that will fold down into another section that opens to a 2 fold section (this will make sense when the info/pics are on it).
Then one opens the shutter doors I created to reveal the interior of the lapbook after flipping down the mini-book (the green section has now been flipped down to reveal the second area for info. Those little green tabs you see are on the little folds I made to aid in opening the shutter doors-I will have a better pic later on those)
The lapbook completely folded out. I will have some smaller flip books here and there, but this is the basic shell of it. I used 3 folders (one for the main body),one cut in 1/2 (to make the shutters with one side, and to use for the art work of the dog with the other). Then the 3rd, to create the mini book to flip down (cut down to size).
Keeping with the rule of no more than 3 colors: I chose dk blue, olive green and a light tan. These cardstock papers are from the assorted packs I get from JoAnns. Not only does the layering beef up the lapbook, it creates a nice background and adds to the overall visual appeal to it. When we place our info on it, it will not disappear into the background-but rather, it will "pop off" the page. I copied most of the folded info parts onto the light tan (which obviously are not on it yet) but did do a few in the green for a nice color change. The rest is printed on normal copy paper.
Please note: I used a combination of several sites and the Sled Dog Lapbook from Hands of a Child. I did not show detailed shots of those parts of the HoaC due to it being their stuff, not my own or Microsoft images. I used Enchanted Learning for some pics, the maps are from Education Place and some from Pam Flowers site. We did parts of the Sled Dog unit of HoaC and added magnetic and water freezing experiments too. There was a show on National Geographic about the Arctic the same week we did this (talk about tying in!) and read the companion book about Big Enough Anna by Pam Flowers, as well as Balto, and the Great Race by Elizabeth Kimmel.
Pictures coming soon the image loop is down or lost so I will need to retake these and post.
Frogs- Elementary
We used the templates at Homeschool Share under the Frog Study. I just used several books found at the library to do a short frog study. This was more of a 'fill in the gaps' study so it was not intensive, but you can certainly find many ideas and links via the web to pull together a full unit study.
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